Sunday 30 November 2008

Some of my work...

It took me so long to post this but after literally hours I finally managed to get these picturey link things to work.

I live in Bristol, UK and I work as a full time support worker for people with learning disabilities. I have a studio space near work where I go some mornings before my shift starts and on the weekend and create things on my lovely sewing machine. I wish I could spend my whole life working as a seamstress as it makes me very happy, but alas for now it isn't a possibility, but one day!

I live with two beings whom I love very much, my boyfriend Nick and our cat Luna. Nick and I are going travelling next year which will be so very jolly and I can't wait to see the world with him.

I guess that's it for now.x

I've just deleted my old blog and started from scratch as it was all a bit old and not happening! So, I'm determined to keep this one up to date as to what I'm up to!

I've been selling on Etsy for about 6 months and so far things have been pretty successful and I'm always trying to come up with new exciting ideas and expanding the range of stuff I sell in my shop.

I love to hear what people think of my work and hear any constructive criticism!